Apple plans to release a mixed-reality headset in fall 2023: report !!

Apple's new headset will put them directly in competition with Mark Zuckerberg's Meta

According to a Bloomberg story, Apple will debut its freshly created mixed-reality headset in the spring and will release the gadget to consumers by the fall.

According to the source, Apple has given the headgear the name "Reality Pro" and will use the new xrOS operating system to power it. Moreover, Apple has already granted early access to the headset to a restricted number of software developers.

With its tablet and smartphone products that let consumers experience augmented reality from third-party developers, Apple maintains a commanding position in the virtual and augmented reality market.

However, Mark Zuckerberg's Meta will face direct competition from the technological behemoth's soon-to-be-announced headset. The metaverse, a virtual reality environment that enables users to communicate with users from all around the world, was introduced by Zuckerberg last year.

But rather than being totally virtual, Apple's mixed-reality offering blends both real-world settings and computer-simulated visuals.

The report from Bloomberg also mentioned that Apple intends to provide modest updates for its iPads, Watch, TV, and MacBooks. At the same time, the business plans to focus most of its new innovation this year on the headgear.

Due to the closure of Apple's largest manufacturing in central China as a result of demonstrations over the nation's COVID-19 rules, the company had shipment difficulties with the newest iPhone 14 during the holiday season.

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