Design: A Way to Express Yourself

  Design: A Way to Express Yourself

 In this section, the speakers discuss how design is a form of self-expression and an opportunity to create beautiful things that serve a purpose.

Design as Self-Expression

-  Design is a way to express oneself, just like writing a song or book.

-  Design can be used to create things that are not only beautiful but also serve a purpose.

-  Design is one of the most effective forms of storytelling.

The Power of Good Design

-  Design influences people's lives on all levels.

-  Good design can be the difference between having a great experience or having a bad one.

-  Real design is far more functional, delightful, cute, soothing, cozy, powerful, intriguing, flashy, tactile, simple and joyful.

  The Love-Hate Relationship with Design

 In this section, the speakers discuss their love-hate relationship with design and how it impacts their lives.

The Love for Design

-  The speakers cannot imagine life without designing stuff.

-  They believe that design changes the way we approach life itself.

-  Inspiration for design can come from anywhere - nature or cityscapes.

 The Hate for Design

-  Sometimes they hate it but it does not last long. 

 Challenges in the Creation Process

In this section, the speakers talk about some challenges they face during the creation process.

Assumptions Can Be Wrong

-  When designing something new assumptions are usually wrong. 

Failure Is Part of the Process

-  Failing is part of any creation process.

-  The speakers share their biggest failures and how they learned from them.

In this section, the speakers conclude by discussing the importance of design in their lives.

Design Is Magic

-  It's kind of like magic. 

 Design Is a Way of Life

-  They cannot escape designing and believe that it is an integral part of their lives.

The speakers introduce themselves and their work in the gaming industry.

Speakers Introduce Themselves

-  The speakers introduce themselves and their roles in the gaming industry.

 Pushing Limits in Game Design

Section Overview: The speakers discuss the challenges of pushing limits in game design while keeping it achievable. 

Balancing Creativity with Feasibility

-  The team loves to push limits, but they need to balance creativity with feasibility.

-  Creating something that people cannot see in real life is satisfying, which is why optical illusions are used.

-  Immersion is built through small details like scuttling noises and steam vents.

 Designing for Touch Devices

-  A tool was designed to quickly create custom geometries and landscapes for touch devices.

-  Marvel Future Revolution is an open-world superhero action MMO RPG designed for mobile devices.

 Music and Story Integration

Section Overview: The speakers discuss a game that integrates music into its story. 

Gabrielle's Coma

-  Gabrielle's coma is central to the game's story.

-  Players must play music to unlock memories.

  Apps for Social Change

Section Overview: The speakers discuss how apps can be used for social change and inclusivity.

 Inclusivity in Games and Apps

-  Inclusivity in games and apps is important for everyone to feel at home.

-  Authenticity allows for actual diversity, not just symbolic diversity.

 Designing for Social Change

-  Mental health is an area where designers and product thinkers are needed.

-  Entertainment can show people where social change can happen.

  Tips for Young Developers

Section Overview: The speakers provide tips for young developers.

Advice for Game Development

-  Stick to your original idea.

-  Try, fail, try again, make as much as you can, and know when to leave it alone.

-  Don't get frustrated or try to decide what the market wants; do something that you want to exist in the world.

-  Steal from the best and add your own magic fairy dust.

Note that some parts of the transcript were not included in this summary because they did not contain relevant information or were too brief to be summarized effectively.

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